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Music Maker




Would it be possible to layer multiple notes and drums to create a multi-track creation?



Core/Curricular Competencies:
  • critical thinking 

  • creative thinking 

  • communication

  • understanding, defining, ideating, sharing



  • Music:beat/pulse, metre, duration, rhythm, tempo, pitch, timbre, 

  • Dynamics, form, texture,

  • Visual arts: elements of design: line, shape, space, texture, colour computational thinking, digital literacy, drafting, media arts,

  • Computers and communication devices




To introduce students to the relationship between animation and music and how to combine the two elements to convey a message to the viewer.




3-45 minute lessons



Materials Required:



Lesson Plan: 

Lesson Adapted from: Google CS First Music


  1. This lesson will combine coding with music and animation of a character.  

  2. You will also be learning about the "broadcast" command which is a very powerful block in scratch.

  3. You will have your students log into their Scratch accounts.

  4. Then tell them to go here.

  5. Go through each lesson together 

  6. Be aware the "add ons" in lesson 6 called "mystery box" and "animate the narrator" are more difficult so perhaps wait until later lessons to do those two add ons




Ask your students to create a music band or instrument using the "broadcast" command and their own music which they learned in the previous lessons.


Look inside these projects for examples:





Recommended Grade:

Lesson Name:



Music Maker

Click green flag then space bar to start.

Click on Stage 2 backdrop to see notes.

Click green flag then space bar to start.

To Remix this lesson plan:


  1. Copy the above lesson plan.

  2. Click on the "Remix" button. It will lead you to the "Community" tab.

  3. Paste the lesson plan into a suitable category.

  4. Viola! Start remixing!

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