For K-8 teachers - no coding experience required!
Table of contents
We created this Beginner's Guide for anybody who wanted to get their bearings before diving into Intro2Coding. Read on for a comprehensive guide to the various components, features, and opportunities available at Intro2Coding. Feel free to explore at your own pace or follow one of the hyperlinks to another page when you're ready to participate.
Intro2Coding showcases sample lesson plans and templates based off of popular coding resources freely available online. Our aim is to focus on technologies commonly available in elementary and middle schools in British Columbia, as well as model how teachers can integrate technology into lesson plans in Math, Arts, and Socials (for example).
However, these samples are merely the beginning. Intro2Coding's heart is its community. Ultimately, we seek to empower K-8 teachers to create your own lesson plans, remix others’ plans and share the resulting projects online with the Intro2Coding in our discussion forums.
Why coding?
Coding gives students the opportunity to practice computational and higher order thinking. opportunities for computational and higher order thinking. Coding isn't merely a doorway to strong career prospects; it can also lead to expansive cognitive benefits, no matter what a student's goals might be.
Also, as we move toward what UNESCO terms the "Knowledge Society," learners and teachers alike face the daunting prospect of shifting away from centralized, authoritative knowledge sources and toward an open, more fragmented future where everyone can be an expert. Education researchers as well as the B.C. Ministry of Education increasingly recognize the need for teachers to transform their practice in light of these changes.
Despite all this, however, many teachers today do not know how to effectively integrate technology into their classrooms (Howard and Mozejko, 2015). Coding is complicated! Intro2Coding’s aim is to empower its learners -- in this case, K-8 teachers -- to create their own lesson plans, remix others’ plans and share the resulting projects online.
Technology we use
Intro2Coding lessons focus on the following coding programs: Scratch, ScratchJr, and Hopscotch. These platforms are free, engaging for all learners, and run on common devices such as iPads, laptops, and desktop computers. Each lesson clearly lays out which technology is needed. In addition, each of these programs has their own community of learners where you are able to collaborate, remix, and learn from each other. They are all quite similar so once you have learned to use one of them, you'll find that picking up the others will come pretty quickly!
Here are some simple introductions to these programs:
Today's students
The new generation of learners in our schooling system is very different from previous students in terms of both learning preferences and habits. Traditional teaching methodologies may not reach these students as effectively, since these new students are accustomed to using technology to independently find answers as well as to collaboratively create knowledge (Kalantzis & Cope, 2010).
Calling these new students the “Net-Generation,” Tapscott writes that educators need to have a deep awareness of the N-Geners’ digital lived experiences (2009). N-Geners have a number of key distinctive attitudinal and behavioural characteristics:
1. To prize freedom and freedom of choice.
2. They want to customize things and make them their own.
3. They are natural collaborators, who enjoy a conversation, not a lecture.
4. They'll scrutinize you and your organization.
5. They insist on integrity.
6. They want to have fun, even at work and at school.
7. Speed is normal.
8. Innovation is part of life.
Our pedagogy
Intro2Coding is a Constructionist pedagogical framework after Seymour Papert’s understanding of the term. That means that we aim to engage you, our learners, as meaning-makers yourselves; rather than simply offering you sample lesson plans, we encourage you to collaborate in our community by remixing our plans (or others'!), sharing your own creations, and produce your artifacts of learning with other participating teachers through our discussion forums.
In this way, we model ourselves after the New London Group exhortation that teachers become "designers of learning processes and environments, not bossing what those in their charge should think and do" (73). We don't want to tell you how to use Intro2Coding; instead, dive in and explore according to your own goals, needs and interests! If you think a topic is missing or incorrect, we hope you will contribute your knowledge to our discussion forums so that this becomes a truly collaborative endeavour. As Intro2Coding matures, it will serve as a globally accessible knowledge bank built by and for teachers.
Inspired by Kalantzis and Cope's The Learning Element, Intro2Coding hopes to fill the particular niche surrounding the use of and familiarity with computer programming in the K-8 classroom. We focus primarily on Canadian curricular requirements, but anyone -- including students themselves in K-8! -- is welcome to explore and contribute to our continually growing body of knowledge in this area via discussion forum.
Meet the team
Intro2Coding is maintained by Nathan Lott, Emily Chen, Natalie Roberts and Caleigh Minshall, all students at the University of British Columbia. While this site began as a final project for ETEC 510, a core course in UBC's Masters in Educational Technology, we hope that it will continue beyond the course's completion to support teachers and anyone else interested in technology but unsure where to start.
What is Intro2Coding?
Who is Intro2Coding for?
Why coding?
The technology we use
Today's students
Our pedagogy
Meet the team
Lesson plans and projects
Featured lesson plans
Making your own
Remixing others'
What is Intro2Coding?
Our two primary methods of integrating technology into the classroom at Intro2Coding are called lesson plans and projects. You have the chance to learn more about these and make your own at Intro2Coding. We encourage you to explore these featured lesson plans and their related projects so that you can learn more about what technology integration in the classroom might look like in practice.
Lesson plan: an intentional series of activities designed to engage K-8 students in technology and other subjects in the interest of meeting teacher-designed learning outcomes. We use the Understanding by Design (UbD) lesson planning process in order to enhance the student’s learning outcome (McTighe & Wiggins, 2012).
Project: code you developed using one of our recommended technologies (or another technology!), either for fun and to explore software development practices, or to illustrate a lesson plan or concept.
Featured lesson plans
To inspire you and pique your interest, Intro2Coding offers several sample and/or featured lesson plans (that each include several coding projects) in a variety of curriculum subjects: Maths, Language Arts, Art/Music.
Each of these lesson plans has the following elements in common:
Question: Ponder this question as you read through the lesson plan to deepen and extend your reflective understanding of the material
Goal: What should the students learn in terms of knowledge content, skills, understanding, etc. after this lesson?
Content: What specific knowledge is being conveyed in this lesson?
Co-curricular competencies: These are specific to the British Columbia Ministry of Education's requirements and may not be applicable to your situation if you teaching outside of British Columbia, Canada
Time: Roughly the amount of time required to teach the lesson
Lesson outline: The activities, tasks, etc. that students will undergo over the course of the lesson plan
Extensions: Possible means of extending the lesson plan to further topics, age groups, or situations
Make your own lesson plan
The best way to learn about integrating technology is to start making your own lesson plans! Check out our community for ideas -- and feel free to remix any lesson plan you find on this website (please acknowledge the original lesson plan's creator in your post).
You may have noticed that our featured lesson plans are all activity-based. In fact, they follow the Understanding by Design (UbD) lesson planning process in order to enhance the student’s learning outcome (McTighe & Wiggins, 2012). You'll learn much more about the UbD process by following the above link, including some sample responses to our recommended questions below.
If you'd like to try this process, try making your lesson plan backwards! Before considering which technology you'd like to try, first identify student’s desired learning results. In this lesson planning process, you should aim to answer questions 'backwards' from answering questions about the students' final objectives all the way to the actual planning of lesson activities.
See if you can answer the following Key Questions from the UbD White Paper, linked to above, as you progress through making your lesson plan:
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
What should students know, understand, and be able to do? What is the ultimate transfer we seek as a result of this unit? What enduring understandings are desired? What essential questions will be explored in-depth and provide focus to all learning?
Stage 2: Determine Assessment
How will we know if students have achieved the desired results? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and their ability to use (transfer) their learning in new situations? How will we evaluate student performance in fair and consistent ways?
Stage 3: Plan the Learning Experiences and Instruction
How will we support learners as they come to understand important ideas and processes? How will we prepare them to autonomously transfer their learning? What enabling knowledge and skills will students need to perform effectively and achieve desired results? What activities, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish our goals?
What will your students know and be able to do after this lesson?
Remix others' lesson plans and projects
One of the most important activities you can participate in at Intro2Coding is remixing other teachers' projects and lesson plans. You can navigate to our Community forum to view the lesson plans and projects that others have created.
But you don't have to limit yourself to just viewing these other projects -- you can edit ("remix") them, as well! Here is an example of a remix tree, where a project has been remixed 36 times by different students. Feel free to use others' projects and lesson plans as a starting point for your own, and then share the result with others.
Indicate that your project or lesson plan is a remix by using the "[Remix]" tag in your subject heading in the Community, and remember to credit the original post, too.
Lesson plans and projects
Contribute to the community
Congratulations! You are now almost at the end of our Beginner's Guide and ready to dive into Intro2Coding. Soon you will be reading the featured lesson plans and coming up with your own plans. But don't stop there!
The heart and soul of Intro2Coding is its community. Our community is a discussion forum where anyone who wants to may sign up to create an account and share their own lesson plans, projects, or remixes of others' plans and projects on the forum. By interacting with other teachers on these discussion forums, you will not only improve your own understanding of integrating technology into the classroom, but you'll help others and turn Intro2Coding into a constantly improving and accessible knowledge bank for others.
Using the forums
The first step is to sign up (after you've created an account, you can then "log in" to view your personal notifications and messages). We don't require much information from you and promise not to use your email address other than as a verification tool.
Once you have created and logged into your account, you can begin viewing and posting to the forums. Intro2Coding divides the discussion forum into several sub-topics to make it easier for you to find your interests: there is an FAQ if you would like help with anything related to Intro2Coding; many different sub-forums related to particular topics or school subjects; and a Feedback forum to let us know how you have found your Intro2Coding experience thus far.
By clicking "Make a new post" in any of these sub-forums, you can create a new, public post with a subject and body of text that our other members at Intro2Coding can respond to. Use these forums to share your lesson plans, projects, and other ideas with the community.
It is important to remember that all people who use the forums are your professional colleagues, despite the fact that you may never meet them in-person. Please be gracious, kind, and respectful at all times when discussing, providing feedback, or disagreeing with other members. Moderators at Intro2Coding will monitor the forums on a regular basis to ensure these standards are met.
If you would like to make a private complaint about someone's conduct on the forums, please message one of the moderators directly on the forum (try searching for the "Intro2Coding" account).
Sharing your work
Sharing your work is easy! To share a lesson plan you have created, try using the template from our featured lesson plans and then simply copy and paste that text into your forum post. Be sure to post your lesson plan in the appropriate sub-forum based on your lesson plan's learning goals and curricular concepts.
By posting your lesson plan, anyone logged into Intro2Coding will be able to view, comment upon, or remix your post. Check back regularly to view other members' encouragement, questions and constructive criticism!
Giving feedback to others
Your experience is valuable and unique, and we encourage you to share your constructive, kind and helpful feedback with others as you view their lesson plans and projects on the forums. Try answering some or all of the following questions when you provide feedback:
What is innovative, skilled, interesting, or positive about the lesson plan? What have you learned from it?
Are the learning objectives clear? Do you feel that the lesson plan would guide students to meet those objectives?
In what way does the lesson plan integrate technology into the classroom? Would you have done it differently (if so, why)?
What questions remain for you after reading the entire lesson plan? What would clarify those questions for you?
Of course, you may have other feedback, too! That is fine and encouraged. Remember, however, that Intro2Coding is a community of learners and practitioners -- that means keep your feedback polite, impersonal, and encouraging.

Using the forums
Sharing your work
Giving feedback to others
Outreach to teachers
Teachers' self-improvement
How do we know whether Intro2Coding actually makes a difference? We have a few different ideas for assessing our success. First, we want to know who is using our site at all. Secondly, we want to assess whether participation in Intro2Coding improves teachers' confidence in coding, the design cycle (as it pertains to lesson planning), and the changing student demographics.
Outreach to teachers
For an additional fee, Wix.com allows integrating Google Analytics into Intro2Coding's log-in functionality. This means that we can assess Intro2Coding's outreach by recording logged-in users’ statistics (such as location), using Google Analytics plug-in to track website traffic and demographics, and creating a Google Map to track when and where projects and lesson plans are remixed. In the interests of transparency, usage statistics like location, frequency and type of use may be recorded into an Excel document and converted into an app available on Intro2Coding itself using Caspio.
Teacher improvement
Assessing whethre Intro2Coding actually makes a difference in teachers' practice is a trickier question and requires more qualitative data, since we have no control or insight over how Intro2Coding teachers are supervised, evaluated or assessed in their own workplaces. However, we hope to qualitatively assess growth in teachers' various forms of participation on the site; for example, how does their feedback mature or develop as they become more familiar with the software Intro2Coding uses? Do their lesson plans shift in emphasis, detail, structure, etc.?
Furthermore, one of our discussion boards in the Community forum explicitly invites teacher feedback on their use of and engagement with the website. Although this is an optional feature for teachers, we hope to encourage teachers to engage in that discussion board or email us privately with their self-assessment.
Questions in our feedback template on the Community forum include “What technology-related skill or area of knowledge would you most like to improve?”, while follow-up questions may include “Were you successful in achieving that goal?” This allows us to evaluate Intro2Coding’s impact and also to help the learners to identify their learning objectives and reflect on their experience.
Some of this assessment is hypothetical due to the limitations of ETEC 510’s timeline; Intro2Coding’s true impact will not be known until months or even years after its creation as the community matures.
Scratch is a free educational programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). You can download the program onto your computer, to use their online editor. It is geared towards kids ages 8-16 and grades 3rd grade to high school. Students can use Scratch to program by dragging blocks and attaching them to other blocks like a jigsaw puzzle. This method of programming is referred to as “drag-and-drop programming” which is more user friendly for children.
ScratchJr was developed by the same organization responsible for Scratch, except ScratchJr caters toward younger children. It is also accessible for tablets. It is geared towards kids ages 5-7 and is available on IOS and Android systems.
Hopscotch is another “drag-and-drop programming” app. It can be used through an iPad or iPhone. The user interface is very similar to Scratch so once you learn how to use one, you can very easily figure out how to use all of them.