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Understanding your students can help you to focus and plan your lessons for the right target audience and achieve the best learning results.

The new generation of learners in our schooling system is very different from previous students in terms of both learning preferences and habits. Traditional teaching methodologies may not reach these students as effectively, since these new students are accustomed to using technology to independently find answers as well as to collaboratively create knowledge (Kalantzis & Cope, 2010).


Calling these new students the “Net-Generation,” Tapscott writes that educators need to have a deep awareness of the N-Geners’ digital lived experiences (2009). N-Geners have a number of key distinctive attitudinal and behavioural characteristics:


1. To prize freedom and freedom of choice.

2. They want to customize things and make them their own.

3. They are natural collaborators, who enjoy a conversation, not a lecture.

4. They'll scrutinize you and your organization.

5. They insist on integrity.

6. They want to have fun, even at work and at school.

7. Speed is normal.

8. Innovation is part of life.

Today's students

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