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Interactive Story




How could this lesson be changed to teach multiplication, involving perhaps multiple options with right and wrong answers?



Core/Curricular Competencies:
  • Critical thinking

  • Creative thinking 

  • Communication

  • Understanding, Defining, Ideating, Sharing



  • Computational thinking, digital literacy, drafting, media arts, computers and communication devices




To introduce interactivity into story creation.  The students will create a story that gives the reader multiple options to change the course of the story.




4-45 minute lessons



Materials Required:



Lesson Plan: 


  1. This lesson will use coding to create an interactive story  

  2. You will have your students log into their Scratch accounts

  3. Then tell them to go here

  4. Go through the lessons together 

  5. The purpose of these lessons is to introduce students to basic animation blocks and ask the user a question and have the answer change the story

  6. The recommendation is for one question that changes the direction of the story and gives two options

  7. Be aware in the "add ons" at the end of the lesson can sometimes overwhelm the students.  "Make it Rain" and "Walking" are a good start.

  8. Here are some examples, look closely at the code used:







Recommended Grade:

Lesson Name:



Interactive story

To Remix this lesson plan:


  1. Copy the above lesson plan.

  2. Click on the "Remix" button. It will lead you to the "Community" tab.

  3. Paste the lesson plan into a suitable category.

  4. Viola! Start remixing!

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