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Splat the Cat


Core/Curricular Competencies


  • Elements of story.

  • Vocabulary associated with texts.

  • Recognize the structure of elements of a story.

  • Create stories and other texts to deepen awareness of self, family, and community.

  • Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding.

  • Develop their skills and add new ones through play and collaborative work.



  • Students will listen to the book “Splat The Cat” for enjoyment.

  • Learn about “loops” in coding.

  • Participate in a guided lesson about circular endings using loops and other coding features to create interactive beginning and ending pages.

  • Design their own interactive story and write a circular ending.




Four - 45 minute class periods



Materials Required:
  • ipad or computer 

  • ScratchJr (App) or Scratch (Website)

  • Cardboard squares for dance moves

  • Book: Splat The Cat By Bob Scotton



Lesson Plan:

This part is broken down to four parts: Day One, Day Two, Day Three, and Day Four.



Day One Lesson Plan:


Objective: Students will listen to a read aloud of the book “Splat the Cat” and learn about circular endings while creating an interactive story using ScratchJr


  1. Read the book “Splat the Cat” and make predictions about what will happen next. Go to the last page and read, asking students if it sounds familiar.  Discuss circular endings.

  2. Students will create their scenes in ScratchJr app (or Scratch).

  3. Setting for the Story – Create your scene for the beginning of the story. Choose your scene or draw your own.

  4. Characters for the Story – Create the characters for the beginning of the story. Choose your characters or draw your own.

  5. Add text to show the words and phrases from the beginning of the story.

  6. Add a new scene to create a new setting for the end of the story.

  7. Create the characters at the end of the story. Choose your characters or draw your own.

  8. Add text to show the words and phrases from the end of the story.

  9. Share!

  10. Be sure to save your work.



Day Two Lesson Plan:


Objective: Students will understand the concept of loops in coding by participating in dance moves. No technology needed.


  1. Yesterday we focused on the beginning and ending of the story. Today, the focus is one the middle of the story. What did Splat the Cat do today? Have the students develop a lunchtime dance that Splat the Cat might do involving several different dance moves. 

  2. Ask students if they can find places in the dance that loop.

  3. Draw dance moves on pieces of cardboard and stick to white board (eg. Slide right, clap, arms up, etc). 

  4. Have students come up with different combinations of dance steps, moving the cards into the sequence and have students follow along.

  5. Alternatively, you could pre-write dance move cards for students and have them work in small groups choreographing their routine.

  6. Have students glue down the cards in order, noting where they loop.


Assessment 1

Allow students to demonstrate their understanding of loops by participating in Splat The Cat Looping Dance. For higher order thinking you may want to allow students to create their own Splat The Cat “dances”.



Day Three Lesson Plan:


Objective: Students will understand the concept of circular endings and create interactive scenes in ScratchJr.


  1. Review what students learned regarding “Splat the Cat” circular endings and the scenes they created using ScratchJr.

  2. Have the students practice (in pairs) looping on the ScratchJr app.

  3. Have them loop the ending of “Splat the Cat” story back to the beginning.



Day Four Lesson Plan:


Objective: Students will understand the concept of circular ending and create interactive scenes in ScratchJr.


  1. Students create their own stories with a circular ending and create scenes in ScratchJr. for the beginning and end of their story. Use assessment 2.

  2. Have students share each other’s stories.



Assessment 2

Allow students to create their curricular endings in ScratchJr. Students will develop an interactive story and use the rubric for assessment and self-reflection.


  • Two scenes – Beginning and Ending

  • Circular ending

  • At least one loop per scene

  • Story is typed in each scene


















Recommended Age

Lesson Name

Language Arts

Splat the Cat


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  4. Viola! Start remixing!

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